You like my snapshots collection ? my videos ?
you want me to set up again a dedicated torrent machine ?
Please donate
ForumClrMame Dats
(auto-update url for ClrMame)
File Mirrors :
2005/12/10 - away...
* new job, new town, new life... so many reasons to be away during several weeks.
2005/11/16 - Mame MNG Videos 0.101
* It's been almost one year since my latest official update.
* AdvanceMame 0.102 is not out but since I already had a big update in progress, I release it now.
* the update is 178 New videos, 1.30 Gb, the full collection is now 2175 Videos, 6.2 Gb
2005/11/15 - Mame Snaps/Screenshots 0.102
* Mame 0.102 is out, I released my screenshots, fully up to date. 1404 shots, 33 mb for this update.
* Thanks to the Mame team for so much work in a few monthes.
* I probably did them with even better quality than before, I hope you'll like them.
2005/10/18 - Some WIP (I'm back)
* I had two HD crashes (two different drives), so no more torrents.
* I resumed my work, it's currently almost done. 1130 pngs (28 Mb), and 170 Mngs (1 Gb). Most of it is already in MAWS.
* I have now a cheap logitech trackball, which makes it much better for trackball games.
I am currently looking for a (cheap, donation, whatever) spinner solution, which would help me in my PNG & MNG work.
If you feel donating a free spinner or donating via paypal, just use the button.
If you are an arcade hardware manufacturer and you feel like helping me, I'll make a review of hardware donations for all my visitors :)
2005/06/09 - For an unknown time, I'll run a torrent tracker on my PC. This PC won't seed the tracker 7/24h, hence my request for donations.
2005/06/09 - I'm planning to set up a permanent PC for Mame goodies torrents (mine, and others in general). If you want to help me, don't hesitate to donate.
2005/05/31 - a mirror has always been available @ Emu-France.
I plan to resume my screenshots soon, with a 4 monthes rate basis,and with the same quality as before.
2005/02/01 - I stopped screenshots for now. check here